What is LEI?

LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) is 20-digit alpha-numeric international identifier of legal person issued in accordance with the international standard ISO 17442.

Is your LEI transparent?

Policy Conformity Flag initiative means that an LEI code will only be flagged as "conforming" in the GLEIF International Database if the LEI registration is up-to-date/the LEI registration has been renewed in a timely manner, and the legal entity has also reported data on its direct and ultimate consolidating parent companies or one of the acceptable reasons for not reporting this data. By allowing closer monitoring of transaction data and encouraging greater transparency in their ownership structures, entities with " conforming " status demonstrate their strong commitment to transparency. Their compliant status also signals to partners and other organisations that their LEIs can be used to reliably streamline due-diligence, registration and other counterparty processes, making them easier to do business with. Answers to frequently asked questions about the Conformity Flag policy can be found HERE .


Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s. (hereinafter„CDCP“) is an accredited entity to assign Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) to the subjects registered in the Slovak and Czech Republic. CDCP as a local operating unit (LOU) is responsible for creating and assignment of new LEIs, collectting of corresponding data, administering and renewal of these data.
LEI of CDCP SR, a.s.: 097900BEFH0000000217

Who needs LEI?

On 09 October 2017, ESMA has published a Briefing on the number of EU regulations under which are necessary to obtain and use LEI:

Legal framework Persons required to use LEI
EMIR Counterparties to derivates contracts as well as beneficiaries, brokers, central counterparties (CCPs) and clearing members
MiFID II / MiFIR Investment firms that execute transactions in financial instruments
The clients on whose behalf the investment firm executes ransactions, when the client is a legal entity
The client of the firm on whose behalf the trading venue is reporting under par. 26 (5) MiFIR, when the client is a legal entity
The person who makes the decision to acquire the financial instrument, when this person is a legal entity e.g. this includes investmest managers acting under a discretionary mandate on behalf of its underlying clients
The firm transmitting the order
The entity submitting a transaction report (i.e. trading venue, ARM, investment firm)
the issuer of any financial instrument listed and/or traded on a trading venue
MAR The issuers of financial instruments, entities involved or reporting in suspicious transactions
CRR Credit and financial institutions
AIFMD Funds and fund managers
Solvency II Pension funds and insurance companies
CSDR Central securities depositories and its participants
Transparency Directive The issuers of financial instruments listed on Regulated Markets
SFTR Parties involved in securities financing transactions and beneficiaries of the rights and obligations arising from these
Regulation on the prospectus The issuers of securities
DORA IT suppliers to financial institutions (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/2956 of 29 November 2024)

You can find more information HERE.